ODS 17 & ODS 5


Kari Herlevi

Project Director, Global collaboration, Sustainability solutions, Sitra Finnland

Kari Herlevi heads Sitra’s Global collaboration for sustainability solutions. He is a multi-skilled circular economy and sustainability expert.
Contact Kari if you want to do big things to promote the circular economy. He headed Sitra’s Circular economy project for eight years.

Previously, Kari led the Green Growth programme at Tekes, which was associated with the circular economy and had a financing volume of more than 100 million euros. He also has experience in Silicon Valley, where he had the privilege of working with the best people in the field.
Kari has Master’s in finance and political science.

Alejandra Vásquez Alvarado

Economías Circulares y Regenerativas

Ph.D. en Economia, Doctor Europaeus, 2017, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italia. Master en Economía: Aplicaciones Empíricas y Políticas, . Universidad del País Vasco. España. Master en Economia Civil, 2011, SOPHIA International University Institute, Florencia, Italia. Master en Políticas Sociales y Dirección Estratégica para el Desarrollo Sostenible del Territorio, 2006, Universitá di Bologna, Italia. Licenciada en Economía, Universidad Santiago de Chile.

Paulina Bocaz

Representante de Associated Universities Inc. y el Observatorio Radioastronómico Nacional de EE.UU. en Chile.

Es cientista político y magíster en administración de empresas de la Universidad de Georgetown.

Tiene amplia experiencia en la gestión de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, tanto en EE.UU. como en Chile, habiéndose desempeñado en Local Initiatives Support Corporation y en organismos internacionales tales como el Banco Mundial, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Naciones Unidas.

Desde 2007 trabaja en el Observatorio ALMA, primero en el área de asuntos corporativos y desde 2016 como representante de Associated Universities Inc. y el Observatorio Radioastronómico Nacional de EE.UU. en Chile.

Jayant Narayan

Lead, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, World Economic Forum

is currently managing the Worl d Economic Forum’s Global AI Action Alliance – a collaborative, multistakeholder alliance to accelerate benefits of AI while mitigating its risks. Jayant has a B.Tech in electrical engineering and started his career as a software engineer, working for Fortune 500 clients in retail, pharma and automotive industry. He later transitioned to public policy, served on the board of an educational NGO and worked on various policy issues with GIZ's Indo-German Environment Programme, including new and emerging policy areas like India’s law on electronic waste recycling. He has a Master’s in Public Administration from Columbia University. In his previous roles at the World Economic Forum, Jayant has been instrumental in launching the Forum’s Global Lighthouse network – a network of factories leading on technology and innovation. In his most recent role, he also helped build the strategy and operations for the Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, including C4IR India. He is part of UNESCO's expert group to operationalize ethical recommendations on AI and also part of World Bank's working group on Law and technology under the Law, Justice and Development Forum.

Jay Hartling

Principal Corporate Affairs - Legacy Assets and Petroleum (Canada) · BHP - A título personal.

Jeanette Sánchez

Directora de División de Recursos Naturales de la CEPAL - Ex Ministra de Estado

Doctora en Políticas Públicas y Transformaciones Sociales (cum laude) por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) Estudios doctorales en Desarrollo en la Universidad Católica de Louvain-La Neuve (UCL). Master en Planificación Comunitaria y Regional (M.Sc.) por la Universidad de Texas. Master en Economía por la FLACSO-Ecuador y Economista de la Universidad Católica de Ecuador.
Fue nombrada Ministra Coordinadora de Política Económica, el 10 de noviembre de 2011, función que ejerció hasta abril de 2013. Venía desempeñando el cargo de Ministra Coordinadora de Desarrollo Social desde junio de 2009 hasta esa fecha. También se desempeñó como Ministra de Inclusión Económica y Social, iniciando su gestión en febrero del 2007.

Alicia Bárcena

Secretaria Ejecutiva de la CEPAL 2008 - 2022

Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) el 1 de julio de 2008 a 2022.
Alicia Bárcena asumió como Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) el 1 de julio de 2008. Previamente se desempeñó como Secretaria General Adjunta de Gestión en la Sede de las Naciones Unidas en Nueva York, y cumplió tareas como Jefa de Gabinete y como Jefa Adjunta de Gabinete de Kofi Annan, entonces Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas.

En la CEPAL ocupó el cargo de Secretaria Ejecutiva Adjunta y Directora de la División de Medio Ambiente y Asentamientos Humanos. En las Naciones Unidas fue Coordinadora del Programa de Desarrollo Sostenible de América Latina y el Caribe del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y Coordinadora del Proyecto Ciudadanía Ambiental del Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA).

Además, fundó y dirigió el Consejo de la Tierra, organización no gubernamental con sede en Costa Rica, encargada del seguimiento de los acuerdos suscritos en la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Medio Ambiente y el Desarrollo (CNUMAD), celebrada en Río de Janeiro (Brasil), en 1992.

Alicia Bárcena ha sido profesora e investigadora de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) y ha publicado numerosos artículos sobre desarrollo sostenible, políticas públicas, medio ambiente y participación pública. Tiene una Licenciatura en Biología de la UNAM y una Maestría en Administración Pública de la Universidad de Harvard. Finalizó los cursos de la Maestría en Ecología e inició estudios de doctorado en Economía en la UNAM.

Ha sido investida doctora honoris causa por la Universidad de Oslo, Noruega, en septiembre de 2014, por la Universidad de La Habana, Cuba, en marzo de 2016, y por la Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM), en septiembre de 2019. Además, en julio de 2015 fue nombrada por la UNAM profesora extraordinaria para colaborar en la Facultad de Economía y otras entidades de esa casa de estudios. El 1 de octubre de 2014 recibió la medalla 2013 en Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Anáhuac.

Gastón Soublette Asmussen

Filósofo, musicólogo y esteta chileno. Ponencia "Pueblos Originarios y Desarrollo Sostenible"

Elizabeth & Robert Monoian

Co Founder Land Art Generator - The beauty of Renewable Energy

We help public and private organizations meet their greatest potential as they plan, design, and implement new clean energy projects.

We’ll help you find creative ways to increase on-site renewables for sustainable building and site certifications. We can help you transform your community solar installation for your neighborhood or district into a cultural asset. We can support large energy services companies seeking greater community engagement or who would like to look into a 1% for the arts approach to utility-scale power purchase agreement projects. Land Art Generator design competitions bring forward innovations in sustainable design, and capture the imagination of the world.

We work with project partners to integrate the best practices of creative placemaking, urban design, and civic art into renewable energy projects.

Land Art Generator brings LEED accredited professional advice, and assists with green building and net-zero project certifications including LEED, BREEAM, Estidama, and the Living Building Challenge, by introducing new ways of problem solving for energy conservation, on-site generation, BIPV, and energy harvesting, all with an approach that places the design, public engagement, and user experience first.

The great energy transition is already underway. Over the next two decades we will see a rapid expansion of community energy projects and city planning initiatives for sustainable infrastructures in and around our towns and cities. By considering these projects from the start with a creative approach we can seize opportunities to increase livability, help drive economic development, and increase social equity. Energy projects can become public parks, civic artworks, and connect people to their energy and the environment.

Partners have included the State of Victoria in Australia, the City of Santa Monica, Masdar, Glasgow City Council, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the Capital Region of Denmark, and many local non-profits and community organizations around the world.

María José Vásquez Arquitectura Consciente

Workshop Arquitectura Consciente

Nina Colosi

Streaming Museum New York

Susanne Spichiger

Jefe Regional SUBDERE Valparaíso

César Morales

Experto Naciones Unidas en Desertificación y Recursos Hídricos

Gobernación Valparaíso

Rodrigo Mundaca

Streaming Museum New York

Kevin Talebaly

CEO & Founder ChangeNOW Paris

Salvador Millaleo

Doctor en sociología Universidad de Bielefeld en Alemania. Profesor asistente de la Facultad de Derecho de Universidad de Chile

Rodrigo Mundaca

Gobernador Región Valparaíso

CEPAL Naciones Unidas

Pablo Osses McIntyre

Profesor UC Centro del Desierto de Atacama

ChangeNOW Paris

World´s biggest event of solutions for the planet.

Mauricio Pereira Cepal Naciones Unidas


SUBDERE Región de Valparaíso

Susanne Spichiger



Asociación Chilena de Energías Renovables



The beauty of renewable power



Juan Luis García Director Centro del Desierto Atacama UC

Centro del Desierto de Atacama UC


Phd Antropología · La MIrada Com- unitaria





                    CHILE 2021



ODS 17




Günther Bachmann was born in Berlin and studied landscape planning at the Technical University of Berlin until 1978. After study and research stays (Jean Monnet scholarship at the European University Institute, German Marshall Fund in the USA), he worked at the Federal Environment Agency from 1983 to 2001. He received his doctorate in 1985. He played a key role in the creation of the Federal Soil Protection Act and its regulations. The Bundesverband Boden e. V. he co-founded.

From April 2001 to March 2020 he headed the office of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and has been its Secretary General since June 2007. The expansion of the reach of the RNE goes back to him, above all through the regional network points for sustainability strategies (RENN), the promotion of new ideas and initiatives of sustainable everyday culture, the constant dialogue with the mayors and mayors of German large and medium-sized cities as well as the German Sustainability Code, report with the company on the sustainability aspects of their business model and at the same time promote it internally. At the international level, he initiated the Global Forum for national bodies with a consulting mandate on sustainability in 2019 and co-founded it for the RNE.

He has been an honorary professor at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg since 2014. He is chairman of the German Sustainability Award and chairman of the juries for companies and for cities; He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Allianz Environmental Foundation, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Heinrich von Thünen Institute, and the German Government’s Sustainability Science Platform.

We’ll help you find creative ways to increase on-site renewables for sustainable building and site certifications. We can help you transform your community solar installation for your neighborhood or district into a cultural asset. We can support large energy services companies seeking greater community engagement or who would like to look into a 1% for the arts approach to utility-scale power purchase agreement projects. Land Art Generator design competitions bring forward innovations in sustainable design, and capture the imagination of the world.

We work with project partners to integrate the best practices of creative placemaking, urban design, and civic art into renewable energy projects.

Land Art Generator brings LEED accredited professional advice, and assists with green building and net-zero project certifications including LEED, BREEAM, Estidama, and the Living Building Challenge, by introducing new ways of problem solving for energy conservation, on-site generation, BIPV, and energy harvesting, all with an approach that places the design, public engagement, and user experience first.

The great energy transition is already underway. Over the next two decades we will see a rapid expansion of community energy projects and city planning initiatives for sustainable infrastructures in and around our towns and cities. By considering these projects from the start with a creative approach we can seize opportunities to increase livability, help drive economic development, and increase social equity. Energy projects can become public parks, civic artworks, and connect people to their energy and the environment.

Partners have included the State of Victoria in Australia, the City of Santa Monica, Masdar, Glasgow City Council, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the Capital Region of Denmark, and many local non-profits and community organizations around the world.

Margarita Ducci Budge

Directora Ejecutiva Red Pacto Global Chile

Prof. Dr. Günther Bachmann

Founding Secretary-General of the German Council for Sustainable Development 2001 to 2020

Günther Bachmann was born in Berlin and studied landscape planning at the Technical University of Berlin until 1978. After study and research stays (Jean Monnet scholarship at the European University Institute, German Marshall Fund in the USA), he worked at the Federal Environment Agency from 1983 to 2001. He received his doctorate in 1985. He played a key role in the creation of the Federal Soil Protection Act and its regulations. The Bundesverband Boden e. V. he co-founded.

From April 2001 to March 2020 he headed the office of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and has been its Secretary General since June 2007. The expansion of the reach of the RNE goes back to him, above all through the regional network points for sustainability strategies (RENN), the promotion of new ideas and initiatives of sustainable everyday culture, the constant dialogue with the mayors and mayors of German large and medium-sized cities as well as the German Sustainability Code, report with the company on the sustainability aspects of their business model and at the same time promote it internally. At the international level, he initiated the Global Forum for national bodies with a consulting mandate on sustainability in 2019 and co-founded it for the RNE.

He has been an honorary professor at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg since 2014. He is chairman of the German Sustainability Award and chairman of the juries for companies and for cities; He is a member of the Board of Trustees of the Allianz Environmental Foundation, the Scientific Advisory Board of the Heinrich von Thünen Institute, and the German Government’s Sustainability Science Platform.

We’ll help you find creative ways to increase on-site renewables for sustainable building and site certifications. We can help you transform your community solar installation for your neighborhood or district into a cultural asset. We can support large energy services companies seeking greater community engagement or who would like to look into a 1% for the arts approach to utility-scale power purchase agreement projects. Land Art Generator design competitions bring forward innovations in sustainable design, and capture the imagination of the world.

We work with project partners to integrate the best practices of creative placemaking, urban design, and civic art into renewable energy projects.

Land Art Generator brings LEED accredited professional advice, and assists with green building and net-zero project certifications including LEED, BREEAM, Estidama, and the Living Building Challenge, by introducing new ways of problem solving for energy conservation, on-site generation, BIPV, and energy harvesting, all with an approach that places the design, public engagement, and user experience first.

The great energy transition is already underway. Over the next two decades we will see a rapid expansion of community energy projects and city planning initiatives for sustainable infrastructures in and around our towns and cities. By considering these projects from the start with a creative approach we can seize opportunities to increase livability, help drive economic development, and increase social equity. Energy projects can become public parks, civic artworks, and connect people to their energy and the environment.

Partners have included the State of Victoria in Australia, the City of Santa Monica, Masdar, Glasgow City Council, New York City Department of Parks & Recreation, the Capital Region of Denmark, and many local non-profits and community organizations around the world.

Mariano Fernandez Amunátegui

Diplomático. Ex Ministro Relaciones Exteriores Chile

Francisco Mariano Fernández Amunátegui (Santiago, 21 de abril de 1945) es un diplomático, académico y político chileno. Fue ministro de Relaciones Exteriores durante el último año del primer gobierno de la presidenta Michelle Bachelet. Previamente ocupó la titularidad de la Subsecretaría de dicha cartera durante la presidencia de Eduardo Frei Ruiz-Tagle entre 1994 y 2000.
En el ámbito académico, ha sido presidente y vicepresidente del Instituto de Relaciones Europeas y Latinoamericanas (Irela) en Madrid, España; y vicepresidente del Instituto de Ítalo-Latinoamericano (IILA) en Roma, Italia.1

Además, se desempeñó como miembro del Comité Ejecutivo del Instituto Jacques Maritain, en Roma; y presidente del Consejo Internacional del Centro Latinoamericano para las Relaciones con Europa (Celare), en Santiago, Chile.

Gustavo Guerra Montoya

Director Ejecutivo Agencia Circular

Periodista con experiencia en medios de comunicación, comunicación estratégica y asuntos públicos. Experiencia en el sector privado y público. Destaca el reciente cargo de jefe de Comunicaciones del Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (2014-2017), con asesoría específica en estrategias de comunicación y desarrollo de nuevos proyectos y vinculación con stakeholders. Alta capacidad ejecutiva para impulsar iniciativas innovadoras y liderar equipos equipos de trabajo. Gran capacidad de llevar adelante procesos de negociación bajo presión y desarrollar relaciones públicas con distintos grupos de interés. Fundador de la Agencia de Sostenibilidad Circular y director del portal de noticias de sostenibilidad País Circular.

Santiago Lefebvre

Founder & CEO of ChangeNOW Paris

Dr. Werner Schnappauf

Chairman of the German Council for Sustainable Development

Dr Werner Schnappauf is a former Minister of State and former Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Executive Committee of the BDI. His special areas of experience are energy and the environment, climate, infrastructure and sustainable development. From personal experience, Dr Schnappauf knows all levels of administration and politics and is extensively networked nationally and internationally in business and industry.
Current positions:
Chairman of the German Federal Government's Council for Sustainable Development; Senior advisor to the Bank of America; Member of the Board of Trustees of the Allianz Environmental Foundation; Chairman of the Circle on Energy Law and Policy of Bucerius Law School, Hamburg.
Former positions:
Chief Executive and Member of the Executive Committee of the Federation of German Industries (BDI); Minister of State for the Environment, Health and Consumer Protection and Minister of State for Regional Development and Environmental Affairs; Member of the Bundesrat; Chairman of the Environmental Committee of the Bavarian County Association; Member of the Supervisory Board of Allianz Deutschland AG; Member of the Board of Directors of KfW Bankengruppe; Member of the Board of Directors of BayernLB; Chairman of the Advisory Board of RWE Innogy; Member of the Commission to Review the Financing of the Nuclear Phase-Out (KFK); Studied law and political science in Erlangen-Nuremberg and Munich; study visits to London, Washington D.C.

Dorothee Lang

Manager German Regional Network Points for Sustainability Strategies (RENN)

Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Messungen und Naturschutz Karlsruhe Baden-Württemberg
Tätigkeiten bei UKOM: - Geschäftsstellenleitung: Mitarbeiterführung, Administration, strategische Weiterentwicklung des Vereinsportfolios, Budgetplanung.

Bárbara Hernandez

Nadadora chilena, especializada en nado en aguas gélidas.

La Asociación Mundial de Natación en Aguas Abiertas (Wowsa) reconoció a la nadadora chilena Bárbara Hernández como la Mujer del Año 2020 en los premios anunciados este martes. La nacional completó en 2020, la triple corona de la natación en aguas abiertas con su nado alrededor de la isla de Manhattan, en Estados Unidos.

La “sirena del hielo”, como es conocida popularmente, completó el nado de 20 puentes alrededor de la isla de Manhattan, además completó un nado sin precedentes de 7,5 kilómetros en la altura del Lago Chungará, en la Cordillera de los Andes, en agua a 10 ° Celsius a 4.517 metros de altitud.

Gabriela Sandoval

Presidenta Asociación de Cine y TV Chile

Productora ejecutiva, gestora cultural, programadora y distribuidora de películas. Es directora fundadora de Storyboard Media responsable de la fundación de SANFIC, Santiago Festival Internacional de Cine, en donde dirige el espacio de INDUSTRIA. Es Productora Ejecutiva de Cine Matriz Spa. Y Directora ejecutiva de AMOR Festival LGBT+. Se desempeña en el área ejecutiva y asociada en largometrajes de ficción y documental. Entre sus últimos filmes, destacan “Santiago, Italia”, de Nanni Moretti, y “Pacto de Fuga” de David Albala.
Directiva: 2019-2020 Vicepresidenta APCT, 2021-2022 Presidenta APCT.

Álvaro Merino

Director Ejecutivo Arica Nativa

Es cientista político y magíster en administración de empresas de la Universidad de Georgetown.

Tiene amplia experiencia en la gestión de organizaciones sin fines de lucro, tanto en EE.UU. como en Chile, habiéndose desempeñado en Local Initiatives Support Corporation y en organismos internacionales tales como el Banco Mundial, Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y Naciones Unidas.

Desde 2007 trabaja en el Observatorio ALMA, primero en el área de asuntos corporativos y desde 2016 como representante de Associated Universities Inc. y el Observatorio Radioastronómico Nacional de EE.UU. en Chile.



                                                                CHILE 2020